Indigenous communities, associations, and organizations consisting of a total of 48 individuals, and 36 women of indigenous Kreung, Tumpoun, Kui, Bunong, Jarai, Thmon, Por, Suy, Chong, and Sa’Och, from Ratanakiri, Kratie, Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, Kampong Thom, Kampong Speu, Pursat, Koh Kong, and Battambang provinces, organized a National Consultation Forum on Indigenous Women’s Issues and Challenges on Law Enforcements and Two New Draft Laws on Forestry and Protected Areas, with the participation of the government agencies including Ministries, Parliament, and Senate, along with national and international NGOs and media.
Read full article: https://ipsvoice.net/statement-on-indigenous-womens-issues-and-challenges-on-law-enforcements-and-law-amendments-on-forestry-and-protected-areas/