- Child Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM)
- Citizens Engaged in Environmental Justice for All (CEEJA)
- Customary Tenure Documentation of Indigenous Peoples (CTDIP)
- Building Local Land Rights Capacity (BLLRC)
- Empower Indigenous Youth to Exercise their rights Access to Natural Resources and Cultural Appropriation
Project Background
Indigenous people in Ratanakiri Province are needed to improve their knowledge and rights in relation to land management especially indigenous women, they should have known about their land rights and their issues must be documented to seek support for land rights recognition for indigenous peoples through CLTs, CPA and Community Forestry. Natural resources and forest state land within indigenous communities should be protected by indigenous peoples in those communities and should be recognized by indigenous peoples.
Project targets: 3 villages in Kavet Community from Veunsai District, Ratanakiri Province
Project duration: June 2021 to July 2022